Wednesday, April 18, 2012

50 Things That Make Me Deliriously Happy :-)~

Note: Porkchop is my English Bulldog. Although he doesn't like being referred to as a dog so I tell people he is my son...who just happens to be a little furry with a flat nose and a big head.

1. My husband
2. My kids
3. Porkchop
4. Porkchop when he twirls
5. Porkchop when he sleeps
6. Porkchop when he does anything
7. Chasing Porkchop with a broom (He thinks it will eat him.)
8. The moon
9. Golden Flake Jalapeno Poppers
10. Choclate blasts from Baskin Robbins
11. Internet Stalking (Don't judge me.)
12. Mark Walberg
13. The Elephant noises my husband makes in the shower that drives Porkchop crazy and amuses me greatly.
14. My brother's jellybean shaped head (His name is Scott Russell and he probably hates me right now.)
15. Stephen King
16. Laughing at things that no one else finds funny
17. Kermit the Frog
18. Jace's freckles (We have given them all names...)
19. Stevie's little mischevious ways (makes me feel like I've done something right :-)
20. Chess
21. Visiting Haunted Plantation homes in Historic towns (although I've only done this once and never saw anything resembling a real ghost.)
22. New Orleans French Quarter
23. Magical Midgets from Ireland (also known as Lepercauns)
24. Scary Movies
25. Doll Houses
26. My parents marriage
27. My marriage (see #1)
28. The smell of gasoline (I like to pump slowly at gas stations, again please stop judging me.)
29. Asking Porkchop in the mornings if "he is ready to...EAT? POOP?" these are things that make HIM delirously happy.
30. Rainy Sundays
31. Mountian Dew Freezes from Sprint Mart
32. Bubble Wraps
33. Playboy Magazine (I read the articles!)
34. Mother Theresa
35. Christian Grey in 50 Shades of Grey
36. Christmas Trees
37. Shopping at Gordmans/Wolfchase Mall
38. Edward Cullen
39. The Hunger Games
40. Finding loose gum in the bottom of my purse.
41. Finding xanax at the bottom of my purse. (I'M KIDDING.)
42. Anti-depressents (NOT KIDDING)
43. Movie night
44. Chinese Food
45. Finding quarters in the slots of pay phone machines (Your still judging me I know...)
46. Finding out I am NOT as weird as the lady who eats her couch.
47. Dr. Pepper
48. Finding out I don't have to cook supper
49. Writing

So this basically sums me up pretty well. I probably could have kept on going with this list but some things are best to just keep to yourself. At least for now anyway.
Btw, I'm new to this blogging thing so bear with me while I figure things out. I've been living under a rock for some time now. I love to write...always have. I figured since my friends have found it extremely hard to keep up with my random postings on Facebook and alot of them are pod people (not my real friends of course) and do not understand jokes well...than I would just start my own blog in hopes to find others like me who enjoy writing, laughing, and have an EXTREMELY open mind to all sorts of possibilities.

Inserting some images to give you guys a preview of some of the things that make me deliriously Happy:

My brothers Jellybean shaped head:

New Orleans French Quarter (Bourbon St.)

Jace and Stevie

My Marriage
Our Honeymoon in New Orleans

As a side note the 3 days we spent in New Orleans we periodically saw the same homeless guy every where we went. I wanted an autograph and a picture taken with him but Joey wouldn't let me. I really liked his fashion sense. Pink Halter Top with Hustler sweats. This guy was awesome!
Porkchop when he sleeps:

See why I'm so deliriously happy? Happy Blogging!

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  1. Here from the book club ^_^

  2. Hey! Glad to see you here as well! Keep in touch! Enjoyed the meetings!

  3. Hey Amber :)
    Just started following you! Met you on Book Blogs ^^
    All the best!
    Emily @

  4. Thanks for following Emily! Hope to see more of yours as well!
